Zoom Yoga

Our drop-in group classes are held live virtually, via Zoom. Both in-person and online classes have distinct benefits and disadvantages which you can read about in the blog posts linked below. If our group class does not meet your needs, I am happy to recommend other online and Norfolk-based teachers who offer a range of group classes.

Here’s the process for booking and joining a Zoom class.

  • Before attending your first class, you must complete a client form and make a payment. It is also helpful if we can have a chat so that I understand what your needs are within a group class setting.

  • The newsletter is sent out once a fortnight. If you don’t already subscribe, click on the link at the bottom of this page.

  • The newsletter includes specific class descriptions and Zoom links, so that you can choose the classes that are best for you. On the day of your class, just click on the link to join us in the class ‘meeting room’ on Zoom. Once this is open, turn on the microphone and video options on the Zoom screen. You should also check that your device has sound and camera switched on. 

  • Place your device at an angle where I can see you clearly when you are seated/standing/lying down - depending on the class content! It helps if you can also see the screen, but I will give you plenty of verbal cues so don’t worry if you are joining us on a phone or tablet and your view is small-scale.

  • It is your responsibility to set up your yoga mat and props safely, away from furniture and slippery surfaces. 

  • If you are new to using Zoom, I can help you with a ‘trial run’ before the class day or send you a ‘how to’ guide for using Zoom on your particular device.

  • You do not need a Zoom login of your own.

  • Our classes are all small, with no more than six people, and most clients choose to keep their microphones and videos on. This means that I can give you personalized feedback based on how I see you moving throughout the class, and you can immediately ask a question if you want clarification about an instruction.

  • Finally, life happens - even during yoga classes! I absolutely understand that you may need to step away from a Zoom class to answer the phone, help your child, or just have a breather. It’s no problem if you want to mute the Zoom meeting for a bit and rejoin us when you are able to concentrate again. Just make sure that you are suitably warmed up before moving into any yoga poses.