Transition tutorial videos

Several of us have been chatting recently about sun salutations, their benefits and their difficulties. A common thread is that the tricky bits are transitioning between poses. Moving safely BETWEEN poses is as important as strength and comfort IN the poses, and building confidence with transitions can greatly reduce the likelihood of a yoga injury.

Here are three videos that I’ve used recently to work on my own transitions and on how to verbalize processes with you during classes. I’ve selected them because they help with chaturanga (which includes moving from plank to cobra or upward-facing dog), finding a comfortable cobra pose, and moving out of downward dog to a lunge. However, the exercises and strategies in these videos will also help you with general postural awareness and building strength and coordination, so they are worth studying regardless of your sun salutation practice!

1) Moving out of plank

This 7-minute video from offers different ways to move safely out of plank, either down to the mat or through chaturanga to up-dog. Amber is one of my favourite online teachers, because she consistently finds ways to make poses both accessible and progressive. Strength-building options include a standing pose using the wall, using bolsters to move with support from plank to other poses, and a fabulous description of how to ‘drape forwards’ safely from plank to the floor. 

If you pick one of these exercises and do five careful reps every other day, you’ll notice a difference pretty quickly. I’ve been experimenting with the ‘two bolster’ method this weekend, which has really helped me feel more confident moving into a chaturunga. Reducing to one bolster is HARD though! For now, I’m compromising by folding a thick blanket on top of the bolster.

2) Moving into cobra

This five-minute tutorial from talks you through creating a safe, comfortable cobra pose. Although the videos is focused on releasing back pain, regular practice of this exercise will help you to feel more confident when moving through cobra pose during a sun salutation. There is clear information about how your body should FEEL, so that you focus on feeling secure rather than achieving a ‘look’.

Leon offers two distinct approaches, and I like his suggestion that you stick with the first option (half cobra) for as long as you wish. Whilst working through half cobra, I recommend that you play around with arm placement: do you feel more comfortable with the elbows further forwards, or further out from the body? Also, the advice about keeping hips on the floor is important! You may like to place a folded blanket under your hips. For full-body engagement, focus on lifting the kneecaps.

3) Moving out of down dog

This 11-minute tutorial is from I suggest that you watch the video in one go, then pick one of the exercises to incorporate into your regular practice. Remember to do each exercise on both sides. Don’t be put off by how Kassandra seems to be all arms and legs! Her verbal cues are really helpful for almost all bodies, and using blocks (like she recommends) can really help create more space for the body. 

The content has two themes: exercises to build hip flexor strength, such as lifting the knee from standing or moving into ‘knee-to-nose’ from either three-legged dog or superman, and using hands and sight to aid the transition process. I love Kassandra’s tips that we pick up the ‘working-side’ hand to help make space and that we look forward at the point of transition, to focus on where we want to go.

If you liked one of these teachers, please follow them on social media or sign up for their newsletters. It’s great to learn from others who are committed to making yoga accessible.

Do let me know how you get on with these tutorials, and please suggest other poses or transitions where video content would be useful! I’m always browsing material from other teachers, and I’d love to help you find online resources that suit your body and your yoga practice.



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