Emergency information
If you are visiting outside the summer season, bring wellies. The footpath is often flooded at least to ankle-deep or higher. We also recommend that you bring a torch and spare batteries for navigating the footpath by night. Please note that the car park is not lit.
There are candles and matches in MAKE THIS CLEAR. The fuse box is MAKE THIS CLEAR.
If you need to turn the water off at the mains, MAKE THIS CLEAR.
If emergency plumbing or electrical issues occur, please ring Alison on 07866 678724. If there is no answer, please email a.j.butler@hotmail.co.uk to ensure a quick response.
There is a fire extinguisher and a fire blanket in the kitchen, and a second fire extinguisher next to the bathroom. Please let Alison know if you use any of these, so that replacements can be arranged.
The nearest hospitals are:
https://www.jpaget.nhs.uk Gorleston
https://www.nnuh.nhs.uk Norwich
https://www.nnuh.nhs.uk/departments/cromer-minor-injuries-unit/ Cromer
The local GP surgery is https://www.coastalvillages.nhs.uk , which has a pharmacy. There is also a pharmacy in Acle: https://finder.well.co.uk/store/acle-the-street.